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The Huntingdonshire Society

Upholding and championing Huntingdonshire – our County

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1. THE HUNTINGDONSHIRE SOCIETY (“the Society”) has been established for the objects described below. It shall be non-party political. Membership shall be open to any individual or any organisation subscribing to those objects.

2. The Society’s objects are:

(a)  To promote awareness of the county of Huntingdon as a county in its own right;
(b)  To foster pride in the county of Huntingdon;
(c) To further Huntingdonshire’s restoration to public use as a geographical identity;
(d)  To further and procure the re-creation of a Huntingdonshire County Council over an area similar to that of the county; and
(e)  To work for the benefit of Huntingdonshire and its inhabitants generally.

3. The Huntingdonshire Society holds to the belief that the ancient or geographical county of Huntingdon is an extant county, unaffected by local government changes. If at any time it is proven that the Society’s belief in the county’s continued existence is mistaken, or if at any time the county is in fact abolished, then the Society shall strive for the restoration of the county (irrespective of administrative arrangements).

4. Members will pay a yearly subscription, of such amount as the Committee decide from time to time. The Committee may at its discretion determine different amounts for, for example, individual, group and corporate subscriptions and amounts payable by supporters or others who do not take up full membership. Donations over and above the amount of the subscription will be gratefully received.

5. An Annual General Meeting shall be held each year in August, or such other time as the Committee may determine if August is inconvenient. All members shall be invited to the Annual General Meeting.

6. The Treasurer shall produce the Society’s accounts every year. The accounts, once approved by the Annual General Meeting, shall be available to every member on request. Financial records shall be subject to regular audit.

7. The Chairman may call a General Meeting at any other time, which shall be in addition to the Annual General Meeting.

8. The Committee shall send the agenda for any General Meeting to members not later than a fortnight before the meeting.

9. Any member is entitled to attend and vote at any General Meeting.  Decisions of the General Meeting shall be made by a simple majority of those voting, unless this Constitution provides otherwise. The Chairman shall not have a casting vote.

10. The Society shall be run on a day-to-day basis by a Committee elected by the General Meeting. The Committee shall consist of a Chairman, a Secretary, a Treasurer and such other members as are elected by the General Meeting and/or are co-opted by the Committee. The Committee may also create any other posts to be filled by Committee members.

11. Between Annual General Meetings the Committee shall have the authority to co-opt any person onto the Committee if so authorised by the General Meeting.

12. The Committee shall take decisions on behalf of the Society by a simple majority of those voting. The Chairman shall not have a casting vote.

13. The Committee may refuse to accept anyone for membership of the Society and may terminate anyone’s membership whom it regards as unsuitable for membership of the Society.

14. Any Committee member will be reimbursed for any authorised expenses incurred on behalf of the Society on presentation of a valid receipt.

15. The Society disclaims any liability to any member of the Society for any accident, loss or other damage suffered in the course of any business undertaken on behalf of the Society.

16. Any Member whose membership of the Society ends must return any property of the Society to a Committee member forthwith.

17. All members of the Society undertake to abide by this Constitution and to act only in accordance with the stated aims and objectives of the Society and not to act in a manner likely to bring the Society into disrepute.

18. Changes to the Constitution must be agreed at a General Meeting by a two-thirds majority of those attending.

19. If the Society is dissolved, any funds or other assets shall be distributed in such a way as to further the Society’s objects.

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