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A society dedicated to celebrating and promoting the 92 historic counties of the United Kingdom and the important part they play in our culture, heritage and geography.


Historic County Flags Day is celebrated each year on 23rd July. This date was chosen because it is the anniversary of the creation of the flag of Devon in 2002, which started the momentum of the modern concept of a county flag. Twenty-one years later, 53 of our historic counties have a flag included in the Flag Institute’s UK Flag Registry, including every county in England. Historic County Flags Day is a chance for every individual and organisation to show their pride in their historic county by flying their county flag.

For a few days each year, around the 23rd July, the Government flies the historic county flags included in the Flag Institute’s registry in Parliament Square, Westminster. This year the flag of Aberdeenshire is a part of this spectacular display for the first time, having been registered in April of this year.

The recently registered Aberdeenshire flag flying in Parliament Square for the first time

It is gratifying to have Government support for Historic County Flags Day. It is also gratifying to see local authorities joining in with the celebration. South Tyneside Council is joining in the celebration for the first time in 2023, flying the County Durham flag from South Shields Town Hall. Graeme Keedy, a South Shields resident and historic counties campaigner, added: “It’s great to see that the Council is flying the County Durham flag. This is a significant step in recognising and promoting the Borough’s continued geographical and cultural association with historic County Durham.” 

The County Durham flag being flown above South Shields Town Hall by South Tyneside Council

The county flag movement continues. There are currently competitions underway in Scotland to select county flags for Berwickshire, Morayshire and Banffshire. This will bring the number of Scottish flags to ten.

Philip Tibbetts of the Flag Institute discusses ideas for the the Berwickshire flag with local schoolchildren

Make sure you fly your flag on Sunday 23rd July – and every other day of the year – and post pictures of it to social media.

The county flags flying in Parliament Square for Historic County Flags Days 2023
The Nottinghamshire flag being flown by Newark and Sherwood District Council

18 thoughts on “Historic County Flags Day – 23rd July 2023

  • Great article!
    As predicted, the defence of Cumbria has exceeded even my expectations. The leaders at Carlisle and Barrow of the successor councils are adamant that Cumbria (albeit not the defunct) county council is at the head of both of them.
    It can be likened to to the top of the pyramid being Cumbria, with Cumberland council and Westmorland & Furness council being just the supports below it.
    The sane hero on What do they know FOI
    has had an appailing response from Cumberland council:

    and nothing at all back from Westmorland & Furness:

    To oppose Cumbria is doomed. It is so deeply ingrained that it is best to give in to it, and I mean that sincerely.
    It is loved like a nation and with fire and passion
    by all who fell under it’s spell in April 1974.

    It will never go away.

    Kind Regards

  • Why can’t they have historic county information on each flag pole, as most people know nothing of the historic counties, or why they disappeared? Pam.

  • Can’t decide how much of the above comments are irony or a serious dig at the farce of abolishing CCC and replace them with traditional county names.
    Been a complete waste of time,effort and money as far as I’m concerned.
    As for the reaction from the media in general – what reaction!!!

  • I have a friend that lives in Colton when I write to him I always put Lancashire not Cumbria and the letter’s always get there I also sent a memship for a club to Carlisle and put Cumberland and it got there you don’t have you use Cumbria as far as I’m concerned Cumbria has gone. The Lake District Lancashire Cumberland and Westmorland

  • Good stuff John, it’s time for more to do the same as you.
    The new Cumberland, Westmorland & Furness authorities are doing their absolute best to keep Cumbria alive as in my opening comment on this thread.
    I did predict this would be so at the time, and the obsession top down with Cumbria (new councils, BBC, local press and so on) came as no surprise. All & sundry have dug their heels into keep the Cumbria fire burning on overdrive.
    I am sick and tired of Cumbria as the silent majority. The monstrosity has become a post 1974 religion of sorts.

    • Why can’t ABC PUSH the Ridings? I am SICK of going to anywhere in Yorkshire, Harrogate or Doncaster, with nothing about the Ridings anywhere, even in museums where people go to learn about the past. Most frustrating as I was born in The West Riding before any new divisions were made. So, today most people, even those who live there, know nothing. So can you do something before they are lost forever? Thanks. Pam.

    • Soo put right with a rattle can.
      Can I also say the A66 is the borderline between the north riding of Yorkshire and Westmorland.

  • Hi cliff thanks for your kind words.cliff I joined the association again in June I was a member years ago and my membership elapsed and sort of forgot about it as I never got a reminder my question is do we still get a magazine now and again I did send a email to them but I’ve had no reply and I don’t know anyone who is a member to ask so I thought I’d ask you cliff many thanks John wilson.

    • Hi John
      I’m not sure on that as I am not an actual member (I may well join up so thanks for mentioning it) however I am an avid follower of abc counties and always look forward to receiving emails of the latest developments as and when abc inform me.
      Sorry I couldn’t be of more help

  • Thanks cliff. If you find anything out please let me know as it was June when I joined up and never receive anything other than a email to say you’re a member you did however get a magazine every now and again but as yet I never had one it maybe that there’s not one due yet but I thought they may send you the last one they published many thanks cliff. John Wilson.

  • Update on the Cumbria border signs under Freedom of Information Act 2000.
    Both (separately) the new Unitary authorities of Cumberland, then Westmorland & Furness have stood firm and resolute that they ARE in Cumbria, that it DOES exist and that NO road signage into their authority areas from outside (eg on the A66 from County Durham and the A69 from Northumberland) will be changed: they will say “Welcome to Cumbria”, intact and unchanged.
    We believed that they weren’t allowed to do so legally, post abolition of Cumbria county council this year, but they are doing their OWN thing (both authorities .. as though they are working in tandem..) and absolutely ARE promoting that they ARE in Cumbria (and always will be).
    This sets a shall we say serious precedent really. Michael Gove (or whoever) is allowing this and letting this pair of sister authorities continue to push CUMBRIA as their head and that they are merely subsets of it!
    So “Welcome to CUMBRIA” will always be proudly displayed on ALL road signage from ‘outside’ roads inbound to the new authorities exactly as before!
    Of course Royal Mail which wasted no time in getting rid of Avon/Humberside etc is NOT taking Cumbria of addresses.
    The Royal Mail are stating that CUMBRIA must be on the end of addresses with NO mention of the successor authorities.
    How odd that Cumbria has had and continues to have special privileges that other post 1974 abolished counties didn’t.
    It’s depressing.
    On a lighter note I’m thinking that as up north in Westmorland & Furness & Cumberland authorities they do not like traditional counties that end with ‘land’ , maybe it’s time to start changing Northumberland to become known as Northumbria!

      • Ok. Similarly please start calling Northumberland NORTHUMBRIA instead, I’ve been doing this since I wrote what you have just relied to.
        Always say Northumbria, NEVER Northumberland. If we can’t beat ’em then let’s join ’em!
        Morpeth NORTHUMBIA, Hexham NORTHUMBRia etc.
        It’s so Cumbric in Cumbria, so Northumbric in Northumbria.
        Abolish Northumberland and call it (like me) Northumbria.
        We can’t run on 2 levels with next door neighbours.. it’s either Cumberland or Westmorland and Northumberland..or NO “land” counties so Cumbria and Northumbria!
        I know you’re in full agreement with me dear replying contributor.

      • Ok. Similarly please start calling Northumberland NORTHUMBRIA instead, I’ve been doing this since I wrote what you have just relied to.
        Always say Northumbria, NEVER Northumberland. If we can’t beat ’em then let’s join ’em!
        Morpeth NORTHUMBRIA, Hexham NORTHUMBRIA etc.
        It’s so “Cumbric in Cumbria” so “Northumbric in Northumbria”.
        Abolish Northumberland and call it (like me) Northumbria.
        We can’t run on 2 levels with next door neighbours.. it’s either Cumberland or Westmorland and Northumberland..or NO “land” counties so Cumbria and Northumbria!
        I know you’re in full agreement with me dear replying contributor.

        • Hi as I’ve said before I write to a friend in Colton in Lancashire north of the sands the letters always get their,I have just recently sent him a Christmas card and it’s got their no need to use Cumbria if you don’t use it it’s one in the eye for the pro Cumbrians so carry on using Lancashire Westmorland and Cumberland 🏔️⛴️

  • Hi to all members who read this do we still get a magazine every now and again I’ve just joined back up as a member and we used to get a magazine is this still the case many thanks membership.

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